Friday, July 29, 2016
"Armada" by Ernest Cline
Armada has a very similar vibe to its predecessor; lots of 80's references, young male lead coming-of-age story with a skillful mix of adventure and humor. The protagonist is a high schooler plucked from behind his monitor to use the skills that he has been carefully honed, without his conscious knowledge, through the governments' secret program to train fighter pilots through the use of online gaming. This premise would be plenty but it's interwoven with a sparky, quirky romance, a dramatic family tale, and a fascinating group dynamic between a group of people of all different races, religions, nationalities, and ages.
Whichever of Cline's books you read first you will no doubt adore.
The problem is, whichever you read second might sound like a bit of an echo. Both books are good. But they're a really similar vibe. It's like any of the early Taylor Swift albums - each song was good on its own but if you listened to more than one in a row it all blurred into one giant song, even though technically the content was different, it all rings the same.
I don't want to seem like I didn't enjoy the book, I did, but I'll be interested to see if Cline has any more range in his (hopefully) upcoming third novel.
I'm still loving Blogging for Books, who provided me with this novel, even though I've been pretty negligent lately. Can't wait to tell you about the next one!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Some General Updates -- Including Blogging For Books
- actually read the books I already own and haven’t yet read – of which there are many
- create an exhaustively long Amazon Wish List mostly full of books and hope people get me them for my birthday
- Blogging for Books!
Monday, April 11, 2016
“Food with Friends: The Art of Simple Gatherings” by Leela Cyd: A Review
Monday, April 4, 2016
"Mother, Can You Not?" : A Book Review
"Mother, Can You Not?" is the best way I've recently spent a handful of hours. Kate Siegel is witty, good-humored, likable, and instantly relatable.
In the pursuit of being straight-forward, this book is definitely pg-13. There are numerous sexual topics and bawdy discussions - which anyone who has even seen the Instagram account that started it all @crazyjewishmom should not be surprised by.
However, with that grain of salt taken, I really enjoyed it. The stories are the exact amount of insanity that have me entirely convinced that not only did these things happen to Kate and Ms. Friedman, but if things go my way they could happen to me too.
Going into this book, I thought I would be Kate - gently shaking my head at the crazy antics of her mom - but it turned out that in reality I'm quickly growing into Kim... And I'm increasingly ok with that.
FYI, I got this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for the review but all the opinions in the review are totally true and totally mine.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Camo Isn't A Good Look For Me
Christians should look, sound, act, and feel different. We should be different from non-Christians, certainly, but more importantly different from ourselves.