Thursday, April 14, 2016

Some General Updates -- Including Blogging For Books

Sometimes, in life, there are opportunities that are too good to pass up; a solid for instance on that, front from my end, is Blogging for Books.

As much as I love bread – enough to name this blog after it, so you know my commitment to carbs is legit – I love books. Reading is one of the only hobbies that holds steady. No matter how much or many things change, words remain. From fiction, to memoirs, to cookbooks, to Christian lifestyle books (like ones I hope to someday write), and beyond, I’m pretty much insatiable.

That said: books are costly. I know I could get the E-reader ones on my phone, but I’m trying to cut down on blue light before bed to help me sleep better and that means I need the paper and ink kind of book. My solution to this expense is 3-fold:

  1. actually read the books I already own and haven’t yet read – of which there are many
  2. create an exhaustively long Amazon Wish List mostly full of books and hope people get me them for my birthday
  3. Blogging for Books!

So, what is BFB?

With your activated account, you choose one book at a time which they then send you for free (including shipping!). Once you’ve received the book, you read it (obviously) and then write up a review of the book on your blog and the Blogging for Books website.

What do you need to do BFB?

All you need are: a mailing address, a love of books, access to the internet, the ability to string a sentence together, and a blog.

Why did you write this blog post?

I didn’t want anyone to be confused by the sudden uptick of sponsored posts or the completely unrelated subject matter of the books I will sometimes review. What’s the point of getting free books, after all, if they aren’t the ones you’ve been wanting to read?

That said, I am also reading a lot of books that do pertain to bread and The Bread of Life, so if you want recommendations on that front let me know and I will absolutely hook you up.

Right now, for instance, I’m reading Jesus Feminist by Sarah Bessey – which is fantastic so far – and I’m getting ready to start Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study of 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit by Nicki Koziarz next week.

Hopefully, aside from book reviews, I’ll be posting more content and more regularly in the days to come. There might be previews from my upcoming 365-Day Devotional Book, For God’s Sake (working title), there will definitely be cooking adventures, and it’s likely I’ll get all fired up about my First and Most Love and need to share again soon. So … talk to you then?

Affectionately, B

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