They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree; I can only hope that's true. Because my mom has given me so much; she's my role model, my friend, and my mentor. She takes care of me and she teaches me. Most importantly, she builds my faith. And I miss her so much when we're apart.
She doesn't only teach and build me; God is constantly expanding her ministry. Today, she took a step of faithfulness and began posting online no longer just her words, but her voice & I'm so proud of her. And, for the first time, I got to be a Monday Night Lady from a great distance!!
The audio is on her blog, Glimpsed Glory, and it's blessing and challenging me hugely.
"The only way we know who we are, is to know who He is." - Marilyn Biddinger, my tree
You are still my living proof Sweet Girl. I cannot tell you how much joy I have being your tree. Your perseverance and tenacity for life are an example for me and I could not be prouder of the way you put one foot in front of the other every day. I hope I can be as fearless when I grow up! I love you so!