Sunday, November 29, 2015

Why Doesn't God "Come Up"?

Psalm 40:10 "I have not hidden your deliverance within my heart; I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and faithfulness from the great congregation."

I’m a pretty passionate person.
I like what I like and I like to share that with people I like (or whoever will listen really).
I recommend a strange variety of music, force my friends to watch stand-up comedians they’ve never heard of, and openly obsess over books/blogs/Pinterest.
None of that, however, compares to how much you’ll hear about my husband, parents, college roommate, friends, or friends’ kids if we sit down for dinner.
All of these things fit seamlessly into conversation, they’re part of my heart so they bubble over; so then why is it that my first love, my truest advocate, my safe place, never seems to come up naturally?
The subject of God draws me up short, I shrink back and turn nonchalant -- always hoping not to offend – and that’s if He even makes it into conversation at all. I could say that it’s because I’m polite and don’t discuss sex, religion, or politics but that’s not true. Maybe I don’t want the other person to feel awkward? Not exactly.
I don’t want me to feel awkward. I don’t want them (anyone at all) to think I’m judgmental or holier-than-thou or a total mess of a hypocrite.
The problem with this line of thinking is that I’m obviously a Christian. Not like I wear a stack of “WWJD?” bracelets, but I went to college for Christian Counseling and Women’s Ministry; most of my friends are either from my Pentecostal university or high school youth group; and, when people ask what I’m working on right now, I’m trying to write a 365-Day Devotional.
All I’m doing by not talking about God in my casual conversations is showing a lack of passion. TheMan, my parents, The Shins, Jim Gaffigan, and on and on are all shown as more important and valuable to me than the God I trust with my life and forever.
So I’m done with that. My God has been too sweet to me during this trial, His Word teams up with Prozac to help me overcome my depression day by day, He shows Himself to be good a hundred ways every day and I’m over being dispassionate about that!
Our lives will always show what we’re passionate about – if you want to know what you’re broadcasting check your Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter – so today, I’m praying that I can show people the loving God who allows a quirky little girl from the middle of nowhere to peak into His glory and who will, clearly, use anyone who is willing as an ambassador.

What are you showing the people you interact with that you’re passionate about? Will you join me today in praying for a heart that bubbles over with talk of God’s goodness?

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